Friday, March 27, 2009

It's nice having a get together with people you haven't seen for a wee while, but unnerving how quickly you can get sucked back in to the things that aren't yours any more. I got quite passionate this evening, about the failings of a computer system that I haven't used for two months and will probably never use again (I hope. I'm no programmer, but I think the design of that particular system is shoddy.)
On the plus side, all by myself I picked out a vacuum cleaner that then turned up as a Which Best Buy. I'm so proud. And clearly in need of proper constructive work. Slacking has its good points, but I'm getting to worry myself. And I think I've run out of Top Gear repeats to watch. Could I find myself on the slippery slope to Jeremy Kyle? It would be all so easy.
Yours and worried

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

World wider web - something to get tangled in

I tell you what, the internet is rubbish. It's fine if you want to get something specific from a specific website, but anyone who says their life is enhanced by surfing the web in a random manner is mad, lying or deserving of our considerable symapathy for the truly poor quality of life they suffer. Look what happens when you go on a random internet trawl. You end up here, you poor deluded soul. (I'm making assumptions about your personality based entirely on the fact that you're still reading my drivel.)
I'm trying to use ticketmaster. Kind friends of mine have given me a voucher to spend, but there's nothing specific I want to get tickets for. Have you tried to find something you might want to see on there recently? Every time I think I could fancy doing something on a particular weekend or at a venue, there's nothing happening or (as now) the website sits and whirs without anything happening at all. I refuse to believe that there are no music gigs in Scotland on a given weekend in June, so translation is that this website is a big pair of tartan pants.
Also holiday websites. Expedia, lastminute, co-op travel, they're all the same. Why do I have to specify where and when and from where I'm going? Why can't I say what time I have off and ask for suggestions? Surely it's not beyond the ingenuity of web technicians to build a search option based on maximum budget (and yes, off season weekend in Torquay is probably what I'll be offered, but hey, that's my problem). And if they must have quite such specific details, please have the common courtesy to give back specific reasons why my search criteria cannot be matched. I have to tell you that the travel websites knew in November that Venice would be underwater in February; at least, I'm assuming that's why they wouldn't let me book to go there. Awesome service, but I was irritated at the time because I didn't know.
Good news! There are music gigs in Scotland in June!! I'm off to look at another list of bands I've never heard of and/or would slice my ears off before going to see.
Love ya

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


OK, so I've opened a blog, and now I have to think of things to write.

Sorry about the slight pause while I adjusted the important stuff like font and colour. Content - naah, is anyone interested in this rubbish? Probably not, but if in centuries to follow I'm recognised as the second coming of Pepys then there will be a very triumphant ghost turning cartwheels through the ether. I'm assuming that death will suddenly allow me to turn cartwheels and imagining something stately and impressive in very slow motion. Is a Victorian or Laura Ashley style nightdress acceptable attire for a cartwheel turning ghost? Interesting problem. I'll let you know if I come to any conclusions.

Bye for now.